This program offers professional learning or social networking opportunities each month of the academic year for Black men in educational and youth development careers. The professional learning content is focused on developing and mastering culturally sustaining practices that lead to the success of all students and career longevity for their educators.
BLOC Building
A programmatic thrust that executes key parts of BLOC's vision:
to develop effectiveness through relevant and applicable professional training, and to connect Black Men with each other through a supportive community.
Da ‘ Break Vol. 2 :
Leveraging Hip Hop Culture in developing Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy and Curriculum
In da Classroom:
Transferring industry-
related competencies
and cultural experiences
to learning environments
A book study series
that allows
participants to share,
grow, and deepen
their Culturally
Sustaining Practices.
BLOC Building
Our Work
Since 2016 we have been focused on the Kansas City metropolitan area, dedicated to recruiting, retaining, and advancing Black men through careers in education, thereby transforming the landscape of traditional educational leadership. Since its inception, BLOC has committed to providing affinity-based networks of development and support to meet the unique needs of the Black Male Educator, which are so often overlooked by typical educational development programming and whose omission leads directly to the lack of Black male representation in education careers.